Monday, 21 March 2011

Stairs and more new words

We live in a flat so we don't have any stairs, so whenever we visit friends or family who have stairs in their home, Lily goes crazy over them. She can crawl up stairs without any problem, but she has only just this weekend learnt how to get back down the stairs. Up until now, Lily would crawl up the stairs and then stand at the top of the stairs and beckon for me to come up and get her. Either that or she'd scared the beejesus out of me and attempt to jump down the stairs.

Yesterday morning, I was showing Lily how to play 'Old MacDonald Had a Farm' on her mini piano and when I finished playing I said "ta da!" and Lily copied me and said "ta da!". She kept saying "ta da!" for the rest of the day.

The weather was lovely today and I needed to go to the bank and pay in some cheques so Lily and I hopped onto the bus over to Waltham Cross. First stop Halifax, we queued up for ages only to be told that they were having problems processing cheques today and to try again in a few days. Not impressed, we left Halifax and Lily waved 'bye bye' to everyone in the queue as we left. Popped into Boots and saw that they had a sale on their Mini Club clothing range and ended up buying Lily a warm winter coat and pair of spotty leggins for £10! Bargain!

Lily was getting impatient by this point and kept trying to launch herself out of the pushchair, so I gave in and let her out of the pushchair and let her have a go on the little kiddie rides inside the shopping centre which kept her happy for about 20 minutes. Then we went to Sainsburys to buy a few bits. It was quite empty in there so I let Lily loose again and she spent the entire time running manically up and down the aisles, taking things off the shelves and putting them on different shelves. Luckily this time I didn't leave my shopping at the checkout which is what I did last time because I was so stressed out by Lily.

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